Tuesday, May 16, 2006

going for a song


"I smell women.
Smell 'em in the air.
Think I'll drop my anchor
In that harbor over there."


"Lovely ladies...
Smell 'em through the smoke.
Seven days at sea
Can make you hungry for a poke."

lovely ladies

"Lovely ladies
Waiting for a bite...
Waiting for the customers
Who only come at night."

lovely ladies

"Lovely ladies,
Ready for the call.
Standing up or lying down,
Or any way at all.
Bargain prices up against the wall!"

what pretty hair

"What pretty hair!
What pretty locks you got there.
What luck you got!
It's worth a centime, my dear.
I'll take the lot."

lovely ladies

"That's right, dearie,
Show him what you've got!"